The outsiders in this book are Mr. Raymond and the Ewells. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he lives with the blacks and he's acting drunk all the time so the whites won't think anything of it. Then the Ewells are outsiders because they are living in a garbage dump and are dead broke unlike everyone else that have some money. Also they eat whatever they find in the trash and they are allowed to hunt all year so they can get food.
Atticus,Scout,and Mr.Raymond are the outsiders in the book. Atticus is an outsider because he isn't racist. Atticus is an outsider by choice. Scout is an outsider because she doesn't act like a southern girl should act. She hangs out with boys and she doesn't wear dresses. Scout is an outsider by choice also. Mr.Raymond is another outsider in this book. He is an outsider because he married a black person and had mix children with her. He is also a white man living in a black society. Mr.Raymond is an outsider by choice and society. He chose to marry a black women and have children with her but the people in Maycomb judge him because of that. Alyssa A.
Many people in this book are outsiders. First of all Mr.Raymond is an outsider because would rather be seen with the black crowd rather then a white crowd even tho he is white. Another person in this story that is an outsider is Atticus. Atticus is an outsider becuase in the story everyone in Maycomb is racist and Atticus believes that everyone is equal and he even represents a black man in court against a white woman. ~sydnee s
Atticus, Jem, Scout, and Mr. Raymond are the outsiders in To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus is an outsiders becasue he isnt raciest like everyone else in Maycomb. According to the book he doesnt have the "Maycomb disease". Jem and Scout are just the outsiders too because they are Atticus's kids and the believe the same as he does because he brought them up well. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he is married to a black woman and has mixed children.
I tihnk that outsiders in the book are Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond and the Ewells. I think this because everyone thinks poorly of both Boo and the Ewells. Everyone thinks that Boo is an aweful person and spread rumors about him, and the Ewells live near a colored community, live in a shanty house, and have to eat out if the garbage dump next door. Mr. Raymond, bu choice, desided to be and outsider. HE choose to act drunk so people would not bother him about marrying a colored women, and having mixed kids. HE choose to make people think something that was not true so that wouold leave him alone, and even thought almost everyone judges hi, he isnt affected by all their comments because he knows that if he is going to be like this, there is going to be others who look down on him. And, he is ok with that because he is happeir that way. *Amanda D.
The outsiders are Dolphis Raymond and his children because his children are black and white. White people don’t like Dolphis Raymond’s children because the are black and, the blacks don’t like Dolphis Raymond’s children because they are white. For this reason Dolphis Raymond’s children doesn’t have any friends because of being mulatto children. Dolphis Raymond is a man who married a black woman which is against the rules of society. Even though Dolphis Raymond is rich and comes from a high class of society he is on the bottom of the social ladder for marrying a black woman and having mulatto children. It is so bad that Dolphis Raymond has to act like a drunk so he can live happily with his wife and children. Citykid215
The outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, are Tom Robinson, Dolphus Raymond, and the Ewells. They are the outsiders because Tom Robinson because people treat him with respect because of his color. Also, he does other people’s work for no cost. For example, Mayella tells Tom to come over al the time to help her. Next, Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he is a white guy married to an African American woman. So people think that he doesn’t belong. He also has mixed children. He tried to fit in by putting a coke in a bag to make it look like he is a drunk. Finally, the Ewells are also outsiders since they don’t have to go to school since of there “rights.” Also, the are outsiders because they are poor and don’t go to school because they have to help on the farm to make money.
I think Dolphus Raymond and his family are the outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. I think this because Dolphus is a white man who married a black woman. Dolphus and his family also live in the black community of the town. I think if Dolphus’ children will be very looked down upon because they are a mix of black and white. They will probably be made fun of by the whites and the blacks because Maycomb County is a very prejudicial town in Alabama.
There are a few people who are outsiders in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. For example, Dolphus Raymond’s kids are outsiders because their father is white and their mother is black, so they are mixed children, and neither society accepts them. Also, Dolphus Raymond is kind of an outsider because he is a white man who lives in the black community. Another person who is an outsider is Boo Radley because he never leaves his house and people judge him when they haven’t met him. These people are outsiders because of the racism in the south at the time. They don’t choose to be an outsider, it’s the way society is at the time. -Becca Denny
The outsiders in the book are the Ewells and Mr. Robinson. The Ewells are outsiders because they are very poor and everyone in society looks down at them. Also they eat whatever they can find and don’t have a good education. Mr. Robinson is an outsider because he is a white man living in a black community. He is married to a black woman and pretends to be an alcoholic so he can do whatever he wants. To be an outsider it is not a choice it is through society. Being an outsider can be a bad thing because everyone looks down at you and you don’t get any respect. It can also be a good thing because since you are so low in the society people don’t care what you do and you can do whatever you want without people judging you. fiddlesticks214
The misfists in the book are, Bob Ewell, Mayella, Boo Radly. Bob and Mayella are misfits because there white but are livign like the black no one respects them. They do not have jobs like everyother white person. Boo is a misfit because everyone is scarred of him, there are rummers going around and around about him. He never goes otuside and talks to anyone makign him more of a misfit ~Melanie B
I think Boo Radley is outsider, because he is alone and people think he is scary person so people do not play with him or talk with him. I think most of time Boo stay in home.
I think that Mr. Robinson and ewell is an outsiders. For example, Ewell was drunk hurt black people And Mr. robinson is living with white man and married black woman and he pretend s to be drunk. Kevin J
I think Bob Ewell is an outsider because he is always outside in the strrets drinking and he is always drunk. I think that he does it by choice. I do not think being an outsider is a bad thing but if we are talking about Bob Ewell I think it is because he is always drunk and its not safe to be drunk. Brandon J
There are many outsiders in this book. One example is the Ewells because anywhere they go they do not have friends. All they do is work on there farm. Every year they go to school and nobody wants to be there friend’s because they know that they are only going to be there for one day. Another person that is an outsider is Dolphous Raymond because he is a white man living in a black community and is married to black women. He is an outsider to the black community and the white community because most of the black people do not like him and most of the white people do not like him either. So he pretends he is an alcoholic so people will not bother him. One last outsider is Boo Radley because he never comes out of his house and has not come out for years. If he came out he probably would not know how to socialize with people and be an outsider for a long time.
The outsider in this story is the Ewell's and the Radlys because the Ewell dont live near the town they live near the juckyard. An the reason why the Radlys are one of the outsiders is because they dont talk to any of the other people in the town and there son sounds like a killer to other people.
I disagree with eldumpling because Tom Robinson is not respected for his race or skin color. He is disrespected. He is not respected because he is black that is why he is an outsider to the whites. Ironsicada212
Two outsiders in the book are Atticus and Scout. The reason why Atticus is a outsider is because he isnt the only one who isnt racist. Scout is a outsider ny she is does not act like a southern girl. Scout and Atticus choose to be outsiders by doing there own thing and not thinking what every one eles thinks. Its bad for scout to be a outsider because when she gets older he has to act more like a girl because its rude. Its ok for Atticus to be a outsider because he doesnt judge people and every should act that why because it does not matter what other people look like. So thats why Atticus and Scout are outsiders.
The outsiders in this book are Dalphous Raymond and his family. They are outsiders because Dalphous Raymond married a black woman and had mixed children. This was a very racist time and most of the blacks and whites hated each other. The children are even more outsiders because the white and black people didn’t want them because they were still they other race. Dalphous Raymond blames what he does on the alcohol in the bag but it really is Coke. hobo216
I beleieve that there are two three outsiders in this story. The first one is Scout. Scout lives in the south and is a young girl. Young girls in the south are suppost to act verry well manored and were nice cloths. But not Jem she is a tomboy and weres overalls and hangs out with the boys. Another outsider in this story is Atticus Finch. Atticus douse not believe in racism. That is why he deffended a black man named Tom Robinson. The final person that i think is an outsider is Mayella Ewell. Mayella Ewell flirted with a black man. No one ever thought of flirting with a black person. Those are the people that i think that are the outsiders of this book.
Atticus, Scout, and Dolphus Raymond are outsiders by choice. Atticus is an outsider because he’s not racist like other adults at that time were. He defended a black man and a lot of people are not pleased by that. Scout is an outsider because she doesn’t act like a young lady. Her aunt Alexandra is always commenting on how she should be wearing dresses and stuff. I also see that she doesn’t act like a young lady because she is always hanging around with Jem and Dill and gets into the games that they play when she should be learning how to cook or something and I think her aunt thinks that too. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he is a white man married to a black woman and has mixed children. He has everybody assuming that he is an alcoholic because he doesn’t want people to think that he is in his right mind to be attracted to a black woman. Bob Ewell is an outsider by society because he is a very poor white man and the children are all very dirty and aren’t being raised properly. lalokita207 :]
I think the Ewells are outsiders. They are outsiders because they are poor, mean, dirty, and they are disrespectful. It is by society because that is how they have been for a long time. Being an outsider for them is a bad thing because no one likes them. BigD208
Mr. Raymond is an outsider in To Kill A Mockingbird. He is an outsider because he is married to a black woman so he makes people think he is a drunk. It is his choice. He would rather be seen as a drunk and be happy. Rather than some one he does not really like. In his case it is fine to be an outsider because he is happy.
There are many outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird, like Scout, Dill, Walter Cunningham Jr., Boo Radley, the Ewells, Mr. Raymond and the black people of Maycomb. Scout is an outsider because she has no friends besides Dill and Jem. Scout doesn’t care that she has no friends, it’s her own choice. Dill is an outsider because he lies all the time, like seeing Dracula and how his father is a train engineer. I think Dill lies to hide the many secrets that he has. Walter Cunningham Jr. is an outsider because he is poor and not very smart. It is not Walter’s fault that he is an outsider. Boo Radley is an outsider because people think that he a scary person, even though they have never met him. Boo Radley is also an outsider because he stays in the house all day. Boo is an outsider because of his father and brother. The Ewells are outsiders because they are very poor, don’t have a good education, and they are dirty. This is basically the Ewells own doing. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because people think he is a drunk, he is married to a black women, sits with the black people and has mixed children. Mr. Raymond does this because he does not want to be blamed for the things he does, with the way he look like he is an alcoholic. Finally, the black people of Maycomb are outsiders because of their skin color. It is the racist people’s fault. Talkative202
There are many outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One example would be Boo Radley. He is considers an outsider because he never comes out of his house and he has no idea what’s going on. The Ewells would also be considered outsiders because of where they are placed on the social ladder. Also, the African American communities are outsiders because of their race, so it’s not their choice or fault, unlike Dolphous Raymond. He chooses to be an outsider by making every one think he’s an alcoholic because he’s married to a black woman and mixed kids. It’s not always bad to be an outsider, but there’s a price to pay.
I think that Ms. Maudie is an outsider. She is an outsider by choice. She excludes herself from most people not because she doesnt have friends but she does not agree with everyone. Ms. Maudie does not go to the court hearing not because she does not like Tom or Atticus but she does not agree with what is happening. ~Gabby S.
I think there are two outsiders. The Radley's are one of the outsiders. I think they are outsiders because the almost never leave. I also think the Ewells are outsiders. This is because they are really poor and they live by the junkyard. I also think they are outsiders because the are not that much better off than the blacks unlike almost every other white family. Jason G.
One of the outsiders in the story is the Ewell's. They are outsiders by society. They do are very dirty and poor. THey also do not have alot of education. Most people look down on them because they do not respect anyone. That is why the Ewell's are outsiders
There are many misfits in the book. For instance, Dolphus Raymond is a complete outsider, but by choice. He is not racist at all and has a black wife and “mixed” children. He wants people to think that he is a drunk, to explain why he lives the way he does. He isn’t a drunk, and he really likes his way of life. Another group of insiders are the Ewells. The live far away, literally on the outside, near the dump and the black community. They are very poor, and don’t fit in anywhere. I think that the kids aren’t misfits by choice, but the fact that they’re so poor and their father makes them work all day and doesn’t let them go to school. Being an outsider isn’t a bad thing in Dolphus’s case because he’s happy, but it is sort of a bad thing for the Ewell kids. peacelove416
Mr. Dolphus Raymond was an outsider because he was a white man living with his black wife. His children were mixed, which made them unwanted by everyone. For Dolphus Raymond, being an outsider was his choice. He chose to be with the black people instead of living a more common lifestyle. Being and outsider could be both a good and bad thing. It was good because he did not have to be involved with the town’s drama, but it was bad because people looked down on him.
The Outsiders in the book are The Cunninghams the Ewells. Both of these family’s are poor and not really paid much attention to. This is society’s choice to make them outsiders because they are poor. In my opinion, it is a good thing to be an outsider because there are no rumors about you and you can stay out of the neighborhood gossip. T-Fal409
There are a few outsiders in this book. Mr. Raymond and The Ewells are outsiders for a few reasons. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he married a black woman and has two mailto kids together. Also he lives right on the edge of the black community. He drinks fake alcohol so people think it was a drunken marriage. The Ewells are outsiders because they are poor, low class people who live in the black community. They also have no education and aren’t clean. Mayella the oldest Ewell daughter charged Tom Robinson against a fake rape and one because she was white and Tom was black. Now a lot of the blacks and some of the whites don’t like the Ewells. peacexo414
An outsider in the book is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider by choice and society. He is an outsider because he chose to live with the black people. He married a black woman and has children. He is an outsider by society because people automatically put black people to the bottom. In his case, being an outsider is not a bad thing. He is much happier living the way he does rather than treating black people badly and looking down on them.
I think that Boo Radley is an outsider. He is an outsider because he never comes out of his house. Another reason is because he is not part of society. Nothing Boo Radley does affects anything or anyone. I think Boo Radley is an outsider by choice. Since there are so many stories/rumors he probably thinks that people won't accept him. So by staying an outsider he can live in peace without anyone bothering him. Another outsiders are the Ewell's. The Ewell's don't go to school or work. So they are kind of outside of the society. To be an outsider is a bad thing because then people start talking about you and making rumors. They also think of you as rude becuase they don't come out and socialize.So being an outsider in my opinion is not that good. Jessica D
I think Dolphus Raymond and the Ewell's are outsiders in the story. I think the Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because his wife is black. This keeps him an outsider by society because most people in town don't like black people. The Ewell's are outsiders by choice. They do not go to school which limits their social life. As you can see Dolphus Raymond and the Ewell's are outsiders in the story.
I think that Boo and Scout are the outsiders in the story. Scout is the outsider in the story because she is a girl, and acts like boy. Boo is an outsider because most everybody hates him, and thinks hes mean, although he is very nice.
The outsiders in this book would have to be Mr. Dolphus Raymond and the Ewells. The Ewells don’t fit in because of their financial woes. They barely have enough to live, and with what money they do have, Bob Ewell buys alcohol. Mr. Raymond doesn’t fit in because he’s a white man married to a black woman. He also pretends to be an alcoholic so that he can do whatever he wants.
The outsider in this book is Boo Radley.In town everyone speaks poorly of him when in perspective he does nothing, he doesnt even come out of his house.This is why he is an outsider.
Outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird are people like Boo Radley and Dolfus Raymond. Boo Radley is an outsider because he has stayed in his house for years without coming out. I think that Boo is an outsider by choice. I believe that he wants to stay in his house because the people in Maycomb are so mean. Things in Maycomb have gotten so bad with racism and money that Boo wants to stay inside where things are simple and carefree. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he is a white man married to a black woman. I think that Raymond is an outsider by choice and by society. He is an outsider by choice and society because he knew when he married his wife that society wouldn’t accept him. Because he is not accepted he pretends that he has a drinking problem as a reason for why he is married to a black woman. I think he choices to be an outsider, but pretends to have a drinking problem so society won’t be upset with him.
The outsiders in the book are Dolphus Raymond’s kids. They are not accepted anywhere because they are half black and half white. It wasn’t by choice. They are not acknowledged because the black people don’t want a half white in their society and the white people don’t want a half white in their society, so they fall in the middle of the two. Being an outsider is a bad thing because they don’t fit, the people are mean to them, and they are very racist against them. lovexo413
Boo Radley, Dolphus Raymond, and Tom Robinson are outsiders. Boo Radley is an outsider because he does not come outside and some people are frightened by that or think that it is strange. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he married a black woman. Most people do not think that it is right to marry a black person. Tom Robinson is an outsider because he is black. No one will pay attention to him or even listen to him because of his race. These people don`t necessarily chose to be outsiders, but the actions that they took made them different from everyone else. Being an outsider is not a bad thing. Sometimes people re otusiders because they are standing up for what thev believe in.
I believe the outsiders in this book are Mr. Raymond and Mr. Ewell. Mr. Raymond is an outsider by choice. He enjoys the company of blacks over whites. Also, he married a black woman. He pretends that he is an alcohalic because that gives him a reason to be with the blacks and not have to deal with the whites. Mr. Ewell is also an outsider. I think that he is not an outsider by choice. He actually is an alcohalic and according to the Tom Robinson case abuses and sexually abuses Mayella. He does not talk to anyone because he is always busy drinking. Those are the outsiders in To Kill A Mockingbird. RJ M
Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he lives with the blacks and has a black wife, but is white. He prefers there company too. Atticus is also an outsider because he's one of the only people in Maycomb who are not racist too. More outsiders are the ewel family. They are outsiders because though they are white, they are very dumpy people who don't act like the other whites. They live in a bad area near the dump. They kind of choose to live there because mr. ewel wastes all the families money on drinks because he's a drunk. tara g.
I think the outsiders in this book are Boo Radley and the Ewells. I think that Boo Radley is an outsider because the image everyone has created for him through rumors is that he is smelly, gross, vial, and vicious. This may not be true, but it is what evryone believes so he would be considered an outsider for that. I also think that the Ewell family are outsiders. This is because they live in a gross dirty dump, their house is falling apart, they don't have clean water, the kids have no manners, they don't bathe, Mayella likes a black man, and their father is a drunk. That is not a very welcoming image to other people. That is why the Ewells would be considered outsiders in the book.
I think that the Euweles are outsiders, and its their dads choice. He chooses to spend all his money on alcohol and not to buy a decent house. The town tries to help as much as possible but nobody likes them. Rich A.
I believe that Boo Radley is an outsider. He is a foot-washing baptist, and so never goes outside or does anything for enjoyment. Since he does not partake in the practices of the normal Southern folk, he is excluded by society. He is such an outsider that legends are made up about him to keep children in line, without any regard to his own feelings. Another outsider in this story is shown to us as everybody goes to the trial of Tom Robinson. Unlike Boo Radley, however, she is an outsider by choice. Miss Maudie Atkinson chooses to stay home while nearly everybody else goes to watch the trial. She believes that it is sickening to watch anybody on trial for their life. In this way, she separates herself from her fellow townsfolk. This is a case of being a good outsider. Although Miss Maudie does not do what is popular, she does what is right, no matter what other people think of her. -Aaron O'Neill
There are many outsiders in the book to kill a mockingbird. One group of outsiders is the Ewells. They are outsiders because they live close to the black community; they have no lives, and no friends. An example of this is that when Mayella Ewell was getting questioned and Atticus asked her if she had any friends and she answered like what friends I don’t have any friends. Another example of outsiders is the Radley’s. They are outsiders because they don’t socialize with any other people they stay in there house all day. An example of this is that Boo Radley is kept from the outside world from what he did years before. These are examples of outsiders in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. HelloItsMe611
There were a lot of outsiders in the book such as Boo Radley and Dolphus Raymond. Although many people think that the Ewells are outsiders, I think that they aren't exactly, since there were many people then who couldnt afford anything during this time of depression. The only differece is that Bob drinks and they live in a dump. Furthermore, people tend to assume many things about Boo and Dolphus Raymond even though they are untrue, which really shows that being an outsider was never a good thing to the people in town. These people never really fit anywhere.
Boo Radley is an outsider in To Kill A Mockingbird. People in town have started many rumors about him and why they never see him. He's been in his house for years and no one knows the actually reason. They only know this information from the town gossip. He isn't like most people in the town, he stays inside and never comes out. Naturally, people are going to gossip about him which just makes him more of an ousider. They may never know what caused him to stay inside which makes him different from other people who like to be social and go outside. -Lindsay M.
I think that there are a few outsiders and misfits in this book. I think one of the biggest outsiders is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider because he is a white man who lives in a Black community. He is also married to a Black woman. I think he is an outsider by choice because he knows that it is not ok for him to be married to a Black woman, but when he is, so if he lives far away from the white people then they can’t say anything. I do not think this is a bad thing because he wants to be married to her so if that’s what he wants then he will do whatever he needs to, to be with this woman. Nikeshoes607
The outsiders in this book are the black people. Even though the white people think its fair because they do everything the white people do it’s not. They are always separated from the white people. For example, in the court they have to go to the balcony because that’s what they were ordered to do. The only reason they are outsiders are because they are black, and that’s how society placed them as. Being an outsider can be a bad thing because others view you in a different way, and it’s not a nice way. Those are the reasons why the black people are the outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. heyitsmex601
Outsiders don't exsist. Even though people draw the line about who is an outsider and isn't there is tecnacly no one who is an outsider and no one who is. Everyone is special in their own way. Even with this knowledge all the Blacks are knoledged as being lower than the Whites by the Whites without a seconded thought. The Whites are treading them like they don't belong anywhere and they don't deserve the same privliges.
i think that some of the outsiders of this book are mr raymond and the ewells. i think mr raymond is an outsider because he has chosen to live in the black community and have mixed chillun with his black wife. Because of this he is not accepted by the white community, so he is an outsider. the ewelles are outsiders because they are poor not just in money but in social values. the ewells have never done an honest days work so the people of maycomb exclude them for being terrible people all togather.
I think that Dolphus Raymond is an outsider. One reason why I believe this is because he is married to a black woman. This makes him an outsider because of his marriage to a black woman he is kind of treated like an outcast. Also he is an outsider because he is pretending to be always drunk. This makes him more of an outcast because no one wants anything to do with him.
In To kill a Mockingbird Dolphus Raymond is an outsider. He is an outsider because he lives in the black community. He is an outsider by choice because he is rich and white but marred a colored woman. In that time period people didn’t like colored people. When a white man was married to a black woman people didn’t like that person. So Dolphus Raymond carried a sack full of coke and said it was alcohol. People thought of him as drunk because of the drink. That is why Dolphus Raymond is an outsider.
Boo Radley is an outsider in this book because he doesn’t even communicate with the people, or anyone, in Maycomb. He just stays in his house all day, all night, all year. Another reason of why boo is an outsider because people don’t like him and they think poorly of him. Another outsider in this story would be the Ewells because they don’t have any friends; they are poor and not educated. Another example if an outsider is Dolphus Raymond because he is a white man living in an African community, and no one really likes him so he pretends to be an alcoholic. Those are some examples, in the novel, of outsiders.
A couple of outsiders from the book To Kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee is Bob Ewell and the Cunninghams Bob Ewell is a outsider because he lives by the black community and hes rude and no one likes him. the cunninghams are outsiders because they are poor and cant aford nice shoes. xXimpresiveXx602
The outsiders in the book are Atticus, Mr. Raymond and Aunt Alexandra. Atticus is an outsider because he isn’t racist like the rest of the town. Also, Mr. Raymond because he lives with the blacks and married a black women and he doesn’t want people to know so his excuse is that he is a drunk. Lastly there is Aunt Alexandra. She is an outsider because she tries to change Scout and Jem and tries to make them how she thinks Finch’s should act but they don’t want to be that way. Atticus and Mr. Raymond choose to be this way. On the other hand Aunt Alexandra just wants to change Scout and Jem so they fit in to how she wants them to be. In Mr. Raymond’s and Atticus’ case being an outsider isn’t a bad thing because it’s their choice, but Aunt Alexandra’s is. This is because she just wants her way. wather613
Boo Radley, Mrs. Caroline Fisher, and Aunt Alexandra are example of outsiders in the book. Boo is the one who is quite and leaves everyone alone. Mrs. Caroline comes to school from the middle of no ware. She does not know a lot about the kids. She offers Walter Cunningham some money not knowing that he can’t repay her. That’s shows that she is an outsider. Lastly, Aunt Alexandra is an outsider because she walks into Atticus’s house and wants Jem and Scout to become grownups. This is why she is an outsider.
There are many outsiders in the book. The outsiders in the book are Atticus, Mr. Raymond, Jem and Scout. Atticus is an outsider because his whole town is racist and mean to black people but he is not. He is kind to everyone. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he is a while man married to a black woman. Also, he has mixed black and white kids. Jem and Scout are also outsiders because they are believe in what there dad believes. Jem and scout live in Atticus’s house and have been brought up by him their whole life so they follow him. I think they all choose to be an outsider and it is not a bad thing. Atticus does not believe in racism and that is his choice he could go along with everyone else if he wanted to. Mr. Raymond chooses to be an outsider too because he wants to be with a black women. It was his choice not anyone else’s. I do not think being an outsider is a bad thing because they are choosing what to do in his life. ginger604
There are manu outsiders in "To Kill a Mokingbird." One outsider is Mayella Ewell and the rest of her family. This is because they they don't talk to others and they usually stay home. The Ewells are not social AT ALL. Another outsider in this book is Atticus. This is because Atticus is different than the other parents in Maycomb. Atticus teaches Scout and Jem to respect everyone whether they have black or white skin. Also he doesn't get caught up in the neighborhood gossip like other adults in the town. -Jordi H.
One outsider in this book is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Mr. Raymond is an outsider through his own choice. In this case being an outsider is not a bad thing. He chose to live with the Negroes, and he chose to marry a black woman, and have mixed children. However in the case of Mayella Ewell being an outsider, it is not a very good thing. She was born into her family, she never asked to be where she was. She tries to make a better reputation for herself, but becasue of society she is literally shunned by everyone in town. She did not choose to be a Ewell, or did she choosed to be abused by her father and have no friends. Yet this is still what happens to her. In this case, being an outsider is not a good thing, because unlike Dolphus Raymond, she doesn't actually choose to live the way she does.
One person in the book To Kill a Mockingbird that is an outsider is Atticus Finch. He is an outsider because he is the only guy in the community that is not racist. For example, he doesn’t make fun of blacks or take advantage of them. Instead of that he helps them out, such as Tom Robinson. He helps him out by helping in the case verse the Ewells.
I would have to say that Boo Radley is an outsider because he doesn't talk to or associate with anyone outside of his house. Also, people say that he eats cats and squirrels, so it is society's fault. I think that it is bad to be an outsider because it can mean you are lonely. -Nick T.
In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The outsiders in the book were the Ewells; boo Radley, and Delphic Ramon. These people are outsiders because they are not socially acceptable. They do not fit in. for the Ewells it is not a choice because they have been socially unacceptable for generations. Boo Radley is not socially acceptable because he can not go outside. Delphic Ramon chooses to be an outsider because he wants top live with the blacks. It is not always bad to be an outsider.
There are a couple of outsiders in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird. One of the outsiders is Boo Radley. He is an outsider because on Sundays, he doesn’t open his door like everyone else, nor does he interact with anyone directly. He only interacts indirectly. It isn’t by choice or by society, but by a punishment by his dad. Boo Radley had gotten in the wrong gang and got in trouble and instead of going to school and getting a good career, like his friends; he got stuck in his house forever. Another outsider is Scouts teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher. She is an outsider because she had come from another town and did not know how Maycomb worked. For instance, she tried to give Walter Cunningham a nickel for lunch and he refused because the Cunninghams don’t take anything that they cannot repay. The last outsider I going to talk about is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider by choice because he had married a black lady and in the 1930’s, there was a lot of racism in the South. Another reason he is an outsider is because he has black and white children and back then, neither the white nor the black community wanted to take a mix child. The blacks didn’t want a partial white child and the whites didn’t want to take a partially black child.
There are many outsiders in this book. Almost half of the characters are outsiders. Scout and Jem are outsiders. Since Scout is a level ahead everyone in reading. However Ms. Coralline Fisher got mad at her for being able to read. She is also an outsider. In conclusion many people are outsiders.
In the text there are some outsiders. Boo Radley has to be the biggest outsider. This is because that he doesn't open his door on Sundays when everyone else does. Scouts teacher Mrs. Caroline Fisher is also another outsider in the story. This is because she came from another town and doesn't know how Maycomb works. She tried to give Walter Cunningham a nickel for lunch and he didn't take it. Everyone knows that Walter will not take something he can not pay back.Dolphus Raymond is an outside by choice. This is because in the 1930's he married a black woman when there was alot of racism in the south.
In the book, the black community was the outsider. They were the outsiders because in this time period, black people were segregated from whites because, especially in the south, white people were racist towards black people. This is a choice of society because it was just the way things were done then. However, Dolphus Raymond was an outsider by choice because he said in chapter 20 that he just liked being with the black people.
There are 2 outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One of them is Atticus. I say this because he is one of the very few people in the town who is not racist. One example of this is when he is helping Tom Robinson in the trial. He also treats people with respect no matter what. Another family who is an outcast is the Ewells. This is because no one respects them. No one respects them because they don’t respect anyone. This family and character are outcasts.
The outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird are Mr. Raymond, the Ewells, the Cunninghams, and the Radleys. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because many people feel he a crazy drunk man who lives with the black community. People also think he had an affair with a colored woman when he was engaged. The Ewells were outsiders because they only went to school for one day, they were very poor, and they lived in the dump. The Cunninghams were outsiders because they were poor, and were able to trade in crops. Finally, the Radleys were outsiders because of Boo’s history. People were mostly outsiders if they were poor, had a bad family reputation, or if they lived with the black community. It was not necessarily bad to be an outsider, but most people did not want to hand around you.
In this book there are different groups of outsiders. One group that was very outside of society is the Ewell’s. They were at the bottom because they basically lived in the dump. Also they were very, very pour and barely had food or the necessities to live. Also they were very rude and mean people. Another group that was considered an outsider was the Cunningham’s. They were very pour, but not as pour as the Ewell’s. Also Instead of living in the dump they lived on a farm and that’s how they survived off the crops and that’s also how they paid off dept. Instead of being rude, they were very nice people. Another group that were outsiders were the blacks. They were outsiders because the color of there skin was black. One last group of outsiders was the Radleys. They were outsiders because they were very strict, in fact they called themselves “foot washing Baptists”. Also they didn’t really socialize with other people.
I think Scout is an outsider. She likes to wear overalls instead of dresses. And she would rather climb a tree then play with dolls. She is not like the other little girls. Scout chose to be an outsider. But that is not a bad thing because she is just being herself.
In this book there are many outsiders. They are the Ewell’s, Africans and the farmers like the Cunninghams. These people are there because they were born into it. Being an outsider is not always a bad thing because they can fit into another group with people like them.
There are many outsiders in the story “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Mayella Ewells is an outsider because she is very lonely and she has no one to talk to. In the courtroom when Atticus was questioning Mayella he asked her about her friends and she seemed very confused and angry because she thought Atticus was trying to make fun of her. In her situation being an outsider was a bad thing because she was always lonely and she had to go to Tom Robinson a married black man to kiss him because she had no one else to be with. Dolphus Raymond is also an outsider because he is a white man who only hangs out with black people. The whole town thinks he is a drunk even though he only drinks coca cola. He has many children who are half black, half white. Being an outsider in his situation is not very bad because he seems to be happy with his life and he is not lonely.
The outsiders in the book are the black people. They are outsiders because they are black and discriminated. They do not choose to be outsiders people just think less of them because they are black. I do not think it is fear because some of them, are nicer then the white people. For example, tom Robinson is a better person then Mayella, but people look more down on him then on Mayella and the rest of the Ewells. I think in this case being an outsider is a bad thing because there are a lot of disadvantages. In conclusion, in To Kill a Mockingbird the outsiders are the black people.
The outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird are Tom Robinson, Dolphus Raymond, and Arthur (Boo) Radley. All three men are outsiders because people in the town don’t understand them, and don’t really want to. Tom Robinson is an outsider based on the sole reason that he is black. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he associates himself more with the black people than the white people. The townspeople think the only reason he does this is because he’s always too drunk to change his ways. But really, he finds them more interesting, and pretends to be drunk all the time so that he won’t have to explain himself. So, people just leave him alone, and let him live his life. Boo Radley is considered to be an outsider because he and his family didn’t open the door on Sundays like everyone else. They pretty much kept to themselves. But, when Mr. Radley died, and Nathan Radley took on the responsibility of keeping Boo locked inside the house, no one understood what was going on in their house. Scout, Jem, and Dill all were trying to understand Boo, but other than them, no one else cared. So, in conclusion, the outsiders in the book are people that are not well understood.
There are a few outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One outsider is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider because he lives with the blacks and pretends that he is a drunk. He is different than everybody else. The Ewells are also outsiders. They live out of the community in the dump and have special privileges so they can survive. They aren’t really like everybody else. They are also treated differently and everybody thinks that they are bad. One last outsider is Boo Radley. He is an outsider because he is always locked away in his house and no one has ever seen him. People also think that he is scary and look in people’s windows. These are some people who I think are outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he lives on the border of the black community. He is considered an outsider because he is married to a black woman. Mr. Raymond chose to be an outsider because he chose to marry a black woman. He is also an outsider because people think he is a drunk. He drinks coke out of a paper bag so it looks like whiskey. He chose to be this way to cover up for marrying a black woman. The Ewells are also considered outsiders because they are thought of as animals and live at the town dump. They don’t follow the rules. They don’t really choose to be a misfit that is the way the family has always been. On another way they do choose to be misfits because they could have tried to change their lifestyle if they wanted to. The black community is thought of as outsiders by the whites. The blacks do not associate with the whites unless the blacks are working for them. They do not choose to be misfits, it is chosen for them by society. ~~Flip Flops802
The outsiders in this book are the Ewells and Dolphus Raymond. The Ewells are outsiders because they live in a garbage dump. They are poor and don’t have an education. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he was from a wealthy family, but he married a black woman and now lives with all of the blacks. He is drunk all the time and has mixed children. Atticus is also an outsider because he isn’t racist. He chose to defend Tom Robinson. Everyone thought that was a bad decision and it was horrible that he supported and believed a black man. Sometimes being an outsider is a bad thing and sometimes it’s a good thing. In conclusion, Atticus, the Ewells, and Dolphus Raymond are the outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. -liveplaysoftball826
Mr. Raymond and the Ewells are the outsiders in my opinion. Mr. Raymond is because he likes blacks better and hangs out with them more. People think hes a drunk so that they will not make fun of him for hanging out with them. He does it by putting a Coca-Cola bottle in a paper bag looking like it is beer. The Ewells are not social and the children do not have friends. For an example Mayella did not know what friends were. She thought Atticus was making fun of her.
There are many outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird. First and the most obvious one is Boo Radley and his family. Boo Radley is one of those people that everyone talks about, makes up rumors about, and fears. He is also a misfit in this book because he never comes outside or comes to any of the town gatherings, like the trial. The only time he made any kind of appearance was when Miss Maudie’s house was on fire and he allegedly covered Scout’s shoulders with a blanket. Another misfit in this story is the Ewells. The Ewells don’t fit in because they are rude, poor, and live at the dump. Mr. Ewell showed how rude and uneducated he was at the trial, when Atticus was asking him questions and he just gets up because he thought he was done. Mayella Ewell showed how ignorant she was also at the trial when she started talking and it was kind of hard to understand her. Also, she thought that Atticus was making fun of her when he was calling her “Miss Mayella”. This shows how disrespected she is because no one has ever treated her well. Starshockey815
To me, the outsiders in the book are Mr. Dolphus Raymond and the Ewells. Raymond is seen as an outsider because he is a white man living with blacks. He also married a black woman and had mixed children. During this time period, this is seen as totally unacceptable in society. Blacks are seen as lower class, and a white person who mingles with them is even worse. He also makes himself out as a drunk, like when he was pretending to drink whiskey out of a coke can, when really it was coke. Raymond does this by choice, because otherwise people wouldn’t understand his lifestyle. The Ewells are outsiders because they do not work for a living. They are not seen as hard working people, just as people who collect welfare checks. This makes them shunned by society. However, being an outsider is not necessarily a bad thing. When you’re seen as someone who is an outside, people expect you to act like an outsider. There isn’t as much pressure to do what the “right” thing is in society’s eyes. They can get off more easily doing something unacceptable in their society. -vanilla418
There are outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One outsider is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. He’s an outsider because he is married to a black woman and lives on the border of the black community. He is an outsider by choice. He lets people think he drinks alcohol out of his bag all the time and is always drunk so they think that he can’t help himself. They don’t know that lives that way because he wants to. Another outsider in this book are the Ewells. The people in Maycomb think of them as animals. They live by the dump and don’t follow any of the rules. Their children only go to school on the first day. They don’t really choose to be misfits, that is just the way their family is. Also, the people who live in the black community are considered outsiders by the white people who live in Maycomb.
The outsides in this book are the mixed colors, Dolfus Raymond,the colored people, and Boo Radley. The moxed are outsiders because the colored people do not want anything to do with them because they are white and the whites dont want anything to do with them because they are black. Dolfus Raymond is an outsider because he would rather hang out witht the blacks rather with the whites. That makes thw whites hate him because he perfers the colored over them. The blacks are outsiders because the whites degreade them in society. In addtion Boo Radley is an outsider because his brother took away his only way of communication, the tree. Boo never really could talk to people because he is a foot wasing baptis and belives that pleasure is sin. So, when his bother took away his tree he could not even talk to scout and Jem. Being an outsider is not really bad. Even though not everyone will like you, you still will live life knowing that you were not a hipercrite. -Dana Grindall
The outsiders in this book are the Ewells and Dolphus Raymond. The Ewells are outsiders because they are very disrespectful, they don’t work and they are dirty. Dolphus Raymond is an Outsider because he is a white man living with the black community. The reason for this is because he married a black woman. It is okay to be an outsider because not everyone is the same and you should be who you want to be. -AttsJr809
Some of the outsiders in this book are the Ewells. they are outsiders because they are so disrespectful that no one ever wants to be near or have anything to do with them. I think that being an outsider in this story s a bad thing because not many people have money and when your an outsider no one willwant to lend you some because they know that you wont be able to pay them back. That is who i think are outsiders in this book
I think Mayella Ewell is one of the outsiders in this book. She has absolutly no friends and thinks she is being teased when Aticus asks her if she has friends. People stereotype against Mayella because of her father. Mayella is a nice girl who tries to be clean. But Mr. Ewell spends all their money on alcohol. So, people think she is just a dirty Ewell when in fact, she's much, much cleaner than anyone in her family. -Vlasty Z
I think that the Ewells are outsiders. They are outsiders because they live far away from everyone because their father is a drunk and never works, so he has no money to have a real house. Because he chooses to drink and spend his welfare money on alchohol, I think it is by choice that him and his family are outsiders. Jackie G
Mr. Raymond, Atticus, Scout, and the black community are all outsiders in the book. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he married a black lady and has mixed children. Also, he lives in the black community even thought he’s white. He is an outsider by choice. Atticus is an outsider because he is one of the very few people back then who were not racist. He is an outsider by choice, too. Scout is an outsider because she doesn’t act like a typical girl and doesn’t follow the same rules as everyone else. She also is an outsider by choice. The black community are outsiders because most people in the town are racist and treat black people differently and give them different rules. They are outsiders by society. I don’t think that being an outsider is bad. It just shows that some people are different and have different beliefs then everyone else.
There are a few outsiders in To Kill A Mockingbird. These outsiders include Boo Radley, Mr. Dalphous Raymound,the Ewells, and the whole black community. Boo Radley is an outsider by his brothers choice. This is because Arthur Radley did not want Boo to leave the house after he was essentially arested. Mr. Dalphous Raymound is an outsider by choice. This is because he chooses to live with the blacks and hides that he really wants to live with them and not that whiskey has made him crazy. Also the black community are considered outsiders by choice. This is because the whites want nothing to do with the blacks and keep them as far away from them as possible. Finally the Ewells are outsiders by choice and society. This is because society wants nothign to do with them and Mr. Ewell chooses to drink and stay away from the community.
There are a few outsiders in this book. The Ewells, the Radleys, and Mr. Dolphus Raymond are outsiders. The Ewells are outsiders because they live in a dirty, dump. Also, the children have no manners. People sterotype the Radleys to make them out as weird people. They just choose to live differently. Many people also do not like Dolphus Raymond beause he is a "drunk" and he chooses to live within the black community.
There are many outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One outsider is Atticus. He is an outsider because he is one of the few people that publically support blacks. He is mostly an outsider by choice, but this due to others views and not directly intentional. Another example is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider because he acts drunk and has a mixed family. He is an outsider entirely by choice. The blacks on the other hand, are outsiders purely by the color of their skin and have not choice. As for my views on being an outsider, I believe if you want to be one there’s nothing wrong with it. However shunning someone based on race or other uncontrollable aspects is a horrible thing to do. This_Is_sparta!!!821
Wow! You guys have some incredible insights and have even given me some new ideas to think about, and I've read this book more than a few times! I think it is a great point to make that those who are misfits or outcasts are usually misunderstood by others. Characters like Mayella Ewell, Miss Caroline Fisher and Dolphus Raymond and his children, to name a few, are clearly misunderstood. Furthermore, no one even takes the time to think about them at all. This reminds me that Atticus does have his famous line that, "You never really understand a person until you climb into his or her skin. and walk around in it, to see things from his or her point of view." Very few characters, except for maybe Atticus and possibly a few others (Maudie), take the time to see things from a different perspective. I think Harper Lee might have been trying to show us this because seeing things from another's perspective is such an important quality in all of our lives, whether we live in the 1930s or in our world today. One of the reasons I like to read books set in a different time period is because they help me to look back and learn from history and from mistakes that we all make because we are human. Our world has come a long way in some ways, and in other ways we have so much farther to go. Thanks for giving me some new things to think about! I've enjoyed all of your posts. : ) Mrs. Marciano
Outsiders in this book are Atticus, Boo Radley, and the Ewell family. Each of these characters are outsiders for different reasons in the story. Atticus in an outsider because he seems to be the only character in the story who works hard in office, and not on a farm. While there are probably many others in Maycomb who work in office, Atticus Finch is the only one who we read about in the book. Next, Boo is an outsider for the obvious reason that all he does is stay inside his house all day. At the end of chapter 23, Jem brings up an interesting idea that Boo stays inside his house because he wants to, not because he has to. Last, the Ewells are considered outsiders because they are the only white citizens of Maycomb who are unanimously disliked by all the others people in town.
There are many outsiders in Maycomb. One of these outsiders is Atticus. He is an outsider because he doesn’t follow the same racist beliefs as most of the town does. He defends Tom Robinson and is often ridiculed for it. He does all of this by choice. Some people respect and admire him for his actions, but some people disapprove of what he’s doing. Another group of outsiders in Maycomb is the Ewells. They do not have much food and are often shut away from most of society, doing things like not attending school often. They are outsiders through society, because they do not have as much money as the rest of the people of Maycomb. They have to live near a dump and cannot afford much. Third, one outsider in Mayvomb is Mr. Raymond. He is an outsider by both society and choice. This is because he chose to marry a black woman, and he had many children that are mixed color. He is treated differently by everyone, and he pretends to be drunk so he can be socially excused from his actions. His children are also treated differently, but not by choice, because they do not fit in with the black or the white children. These outsiders are treated differently by the people of Maycomb. Bubblz420
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” This is what Atticus told Scout, and indicates that in a way almost everyone has been an outsider at one time or another. So many people are misjudged, due to the inability of people to walk in another mans shoes. One main outsider that was established early on in the story was Boo Radley. I believe that he is an outsider by choice, because he chooses to remain locked up inside, isolated from society. Another outsider by choice is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. He is an older white man who married a black woman, but doesn’t care what people have to think about it. This can be proved when he tells Scout that he’s not actually alcoholic. He says this as an excuse, so that people will try to understand why he lives the way he does. There are also people who are outsiders, but not by choice. For example, Dolphus’s Raymond children are outsiders because in Scouts words, “They don’t belong anywhere. “ Scout is implying that the children are not wanted by the white people because they are half black and the Negroes don’t accept them because they’re half white. They are extreme misfits, and are forced to be split between two races. xohapinessxo422
There are examples of outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus and Miss Maudie are outsiders in society because they are from well-to-do families and are still not racist towards the black people. He represents Tom Robinson in court and is truly hurt by Tom’s death and wants to, genuinely, help Tom’s family. When Aunt Alexandra complains to Miss Maudie about the bodily stress the town puts on Atticus, Miss Maudie responds, “We trust him to do right. It’s that simple.” Both, Miss Maudie and Atticus are good people and choose to do what is right, even if it means becoming outsiders. Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a big outsider in Maycomb. He is a white man in a black community. This is looked down upon by the people in town because he is married to a black woman and has children with her. To justify his actions he pretends to be a drunk, so being an outsider is his choice.
There are many outsiders in this novel. One person is Atticus, he’s an outsider because he isn’t one of the racist ones in the town. He is very formal too. He isn’t like everyone else, he likes to read, dress up, and do things that other people in the town don’t do. Another outsider is Mr. Raymond; all he hangs out with is the blacks. People judge him of what he does; they think he is an alcoholic when all he has in his glass he brings everywhere is coke. They also judge him of who he married because he married a black. One last person is Scout. She is very tomboyish. She likes doing guy things. For example, when Jem would go and play pranks on Boo Radley she would go, as to other girls they wouldn’t.
The outsiders in this book are Dill Harris, Mrs.Dubose, Ms. Caroline, Little Chuck Little, Burris/Bob/Mayella Ewell, Walter Cunningham Jr. (or the Ewells and the Cunninghams in general), Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Rachel, Mr. Dolphus Raymond, Tom Robinson, Lula, Boo Radley, they are outsiders because each of them help build the elements of this story by their actions, life, and representing the theme, for example, the death of Tom Robinson was not right, they killed a mockingbird, an innocent man that was falsely accused and teamed up on because of his skin color.
The outsiders in this book are Mr. Raymond and the Ewells. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he lives with the blacks and he's acting drunk all the time so the whites won't think anything of it. Then the Ewells are outsiders because they are living in a garbage dump and are dead broke unlike everyone else that have some money. Also they eat whatever they find in the trash and they are allowed to hunt all year so they can get food.
ReplyDeleteAnthony B
Atticus,Scout,and Mr.Raymond are the outsiders in the book. Atticus is an outsider because he isn't racist. Atticus is an outsider by choice. Scout is an outsider because she doesn't act like a southern girl should act. She hangs out with boys and she doesn't wear dresses. Scout is an outsider by choice also. Mr.Raymond is another outsider in this book. He is an outsider because he married a black person and had mix children with her. He is also a white man living in a black society. Mr.Raymond is an outsider by choice and society. He chose to marry a black women and have children with her but the people in Maycomb judge him because of that.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa A.
Many people in this book are outsiders. First of all Mr.Raymond is an outsider because would rather be seen with the black crowd rather then a white crowd even tho he is white. Another person in this story that is an outsider is Atticus. Atticus is an outsider becuase in the story everyone in Maycomb is racist and Atticus believes that everyone is equal and he even represents a black man in court against a white woman.
ReplyDelete~sydnee s
Atticus, Jem, Scout, and Mr. Raymond are the outsiders in To Kill A Mockingbird. Atticus is an outsiders becasue he isnt raciest like everyone else in Maycomb. According to the book he doesnt have the "Maycomb disease". Jem and Scout are just the outsiders too because they are Atticus's kids and the believe the same as he does because he brought them up well. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he is married to a black woman and has mixed children.
ReplyDeleteI tihnk that outsiders in the book are Boo Radley, Mr. Raymond and the Ewells. I think this because everyone thinks poorly of both Boo and the Ewells. Everyone thinks that Boo is an aweful person and spread rumors about him, and the Ewells live near a colored community, live in a shanty house, and have to eat out if the garbage dump next door. Mr. Raymond, bu choice, desided to be and outsider. HE choose to act drunk so people would not bother him about marrying a colored women, and having mixed kids. HE choose to make people think something that was not true so that wouold leave him alone, and even thought almost everyone judges hi, he isnt affected by all their comments because he knows that if he is going to be like this, there is going to be others who look down on him. And, he is ok with that because he is happeir that way.
ReplyDelete*Amanda D.
The outsiders are Dolphis Raymond and his children because his children are black and white. White people don’t like Dolphis Raymond’s children because the are black and, the blacks don’t like Dolphis Raymond’s children because they are white. For this reason Dolphis Raymond’s children doesn’t have any friends because of being mulatto children. Dolphis Raymond is a man who married a black woman which is against the rules of society. Even though Dolphis Raymond is rich and comes from a high class of society he is on the bottom of the social ladder for marrying a black woman and having mulatto children. It is so bad that Dolphis Raymond has to act like a drunk so he can live happily with his wife and children.
The outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird, are Tom Robinson, Dolphus Raymond, and the Ewells. They are the outsiders because Tom Robinson because people treat him with respect because of his color. Also, he does other people’s work for no cost. For example, Mayella tells Tom to come over al the time to help her. Next, Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he is a white guy married to an African American woman. So people think that he doesn’t belong. He also has mixed children. He tried to fit in by putting a coke in a bag to make it look like he is a drunk. Finally, the Ewells are also outsiders since they don’t have to go to school since of there “rights.” Also, the are outsiders because they are poor and don’t go to school because they have to help on the farm to make money.
ReplyDeleteEl Dumpling217
ReplyDeleteI think Dolphus Raymond and his family are the outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. I think this because Dolphus is a white man who married a black woman. Dolphus and his family also live in the black community of the town. I think if Dolphus’ children will be very looked down upon because they are a mix of black and white. They will probably be made fun of by the whites and the blacks because Maycomb County is a very prejudicial town in Alabama.
There are a few people who are outsiders in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. For example, Dolphus Raymond’s kids are outsiders because their father is white and their mother is black, so they are mixed children, and neither society accepts them. Also, Dolphus Raymond is kind of an outsider because he is a white man who lives in the black community. Another person who is an outsider is Boo Radley because he never leaves his house and people judge him when they haven’t met him. These people are outsiders because of the racism in the south at the time. They don’t choose to be an outsider, it’s the way society is at the time.
ReplyDelete-Becca Denny
The outsiders in the book are the Ewells and Mr. Robinson. The Ewells are outsiders because they are very poor and everyone in society looks down at them. Also they eat whatever they can find and don’t have a good education. Mr. Robinson is an outsider because he is a white man living in a black community. He is married to a black woman and pretends to be an alcoholic so he can do whatever he wants. To be an outsider it is not a choice it is through society. Being an outsider can be a bad thing because everyone looks down at you and you don’t get any respect. It can also be a good thing because since you are so low in the society people don’t care what you do and you can do whatever you want without people judging you.
The misfists in the book are, Bob Ewell, Mayella, Boo Radly. Bob and Mayella are misfits because there white but are livign like the black no one respects them. They do not have jobs like everyother white person. Boo is a misfit because everyone is scarred of him, there are rummers going around and around about him. He never goes otuside and talks to anyone makign him more of a misfit
ReplyDelete~Melanie B
I think Boo Radley is outsider, because he is alone and people think he is scary person so people do not play with him or talk with him. I think most of time Boo stay in home.
ReplyDeleteSally Lee
I think that Mr. Robinson and ewell is an outsiders. For example, Ewell was drunk hurt black people And Mr. robinson is living with white man and married black woman and he pretend s to be drunk. Kevin J
ReplyDeleteI think Bob Ewell is an outsider because he is always outside in the strrets drinking and he is always drunk. I think that he does it by choice. I do not think being an outsider is a bad thing but if we are talking about Bob Ewell I think it is because he is always drunk and its not safe to be drunk.
ReplyDeleteBrandon J
There are many outsiders in this book. One example is the Ewells because anywhere they go they do not have friends. All they do is work on there farm. Every year they go to school and nobody wants to be there friend’s because they know that they are only going to be there for one day. Another person that is an outsider is Dolphous Raymond because he is a white man living in a black community and is married to black women. He is an outsider to the black community and the white community because most of the black people do not like him and most of the white people do not like him either. So he pretends he is an alcoholic so people will not bother him. One last outsider is Boo Radley because he never comes out of his house and has not come out for years. If he came out he probably would not know how to socialize with people and be an outsider for a long time.
The outsider in this story is the Ewell's and the Radlys because the Ewell dont live near the town they live near the juckyard. An the reason why the Radlys are one of the outsiders is because they dont talk to any of the other people in the town and there son sounds like a killer to other people.
ReplyDeleteSkye Z
I disagree with eldumpling because Tom Robinson is not respected for his race or skin color. He is disrespected. He is not respected because he is black that is why he is an outsider to the whites.
Two outsiders in the book are Atticus and Scout. The reason why Atticus is a outsider is because he isnt the only one who isnt racist. Scout is a outsider ny she is does not act like a southern girl. Scout and Atticus choose to be outsiders by doing there own thing and not thinking what every one eles thinks. Its bad for scout to be a outsider because when she gets older he has to act more like a girl because its rude. Its ok for Atticus to be a outsider because he doesnt judge people and every should act that why because it does not matter what other people look like. So thats why Atticus and Scout are outsiders.
ReplyDeleteMike V
Mayella and Bob are the outsider, because they don't have money, and people don't respect them. And Bob always be drunk, so people don't like him.
ReplyDeleteGina C
The outsiders in this book are Dalphous Raymond and his family. They are outsiders because Dalphous Raymond married a black woman and had mixed children. This was a very racist time and most of the blacks and whites hated each other. The children are even more outsiders because the white and black people didn’t want them because they were still they other race. Dalphous Raymond blames what he does on the alcohol in the bag but it really is Coke. hobo216
ReplyDeleteI beleieve that there are two three outsiders in this story. The first one is Scout. Scout lives in the south and is a young girl. Young girls in the south are suppost to act verry well manored and were nice cloths. But not Jem she is a tomboy and weres overalls and hangs out with the boys. Another outsider in this story is Atticus Finch. Atticus douse not believe in racism. That is why he deffended a black man named Tom Robinson. The final person that i think is an outsider is Mayella Ewell. Mayella Ewell flirted with a black man. No one ever thought of flirting with a black person. Those are the people that i think that are the outsiders of this book.
ReplyDelete-Jonathan Sutton-
Atticus, Scout, and Dolphus Raymond are outsiders by choice. Atticus is an outsider because he’s not racist like other adults at that time were. He defended a black man and a lot of people are not pleased by that. Scout is an outsider because she doesn’t act like a young lady. Her aunt Alexandra is always commenting on how she should be wearing dresses and stuff. I also see that she doesn’t act like a young lady because she is always hanging around with Jem and Dill and gets into the games that they play when she should be learning how to cook or something and I think her aunt thinks that too. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he is a white man married to a black woman and has mixed children. He has everybody assuming that he is an alcoholic because he doesn’t want people to think that he is in his right mind to be attracted to a black woman. Bob Ewell is an outsider by society because he is a very poor white man and the children are all very dirty and aren’t being raised properly.
ReplyDeletelalokita207 :]
I think the Ewells are outsiders. They are outsiders because they are poor, mean, dirty, and they are disrespectful. It is by society because that is how they have been for a long time. Being an outsider for them is a bad thing because no one likes them.
Mr. Raymond is an outsider in To Kill A Mockingbird. He is an outsider because he is married to a black woman so he makes people think he is a drunk. It is his choice. He would rather be seen as a drunk and be happy. Rather than some one he does not really like. In his case it is fine to be an outsider because he is happy.
ReplyDeleteNumber 213
There are many outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird, like Scout, Dill, Walter Cunningham Jr., Boo Radley, the Ewells, Mr. Raymond and the black people of Maycomb. Scout is an outsider because she has no friends besides Dill and Jem. Scout doesn’t care that she has no friends, it’s her own choice. Dill is an outsider because he lies all the time, like seeing Dracula and how his father is a train engineer. I think Dill lies to hide the many secrets that he has. Walter Cunningham Jr. is an outsider because he is poor and not very smart. It is not Walter’s fault that he is an outsider. Boo Radley is an outsider because people think that he a scary person, even though they have never met him. Boo Radley is also an outsider because he stays in the house all day. Boo is an outsider because of his father and brother. The Ewells are outsiders because they are very poor, don’t have a good education, and they are dirty. This is basically the Ewells own doing. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because people think he is a drunk, he is married to a black women, sits with the black people and has mixed children. Mr. Raymond does this because he does not want to be blamed for the things he does, with the way he look like he is an alcoholic. Finally, the black people of Maycomb are outsiders because of their skin color. It is the racist people’s fault. Talkative202
ReplyDeleteThere are many outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One example would be Boo Radley. He is considers an outsider because he never comes out of his house and he has no idea what’s going on. The Ewells would also be considered outsiders because of where they are placed on the social ladder. Also, the African American communities are outsiders because of their race, so it’s not their choice or fault, unlike Dolphous Raymond. He chooses to be an outsider by making every one think he’s an alcoholic because he’s married to a black woman and mixed kids. It’s not always bad to be an outsider, but there’s a price to pay.
ReplyDeleteGhost King 210
I agree with NYRangers204 because all the people he named are dispised or scared by many people in Maycomb.
I think that Ms. Maudie is an outsider. She is an outsider by choice. She excludes herself from most people not because she doesnt have friends but she does not agree with everyone. Ms. Maudie does not go to the court hearing not because she does not like Tom or Atticus but she does not agree with what is happening.
ReplyDelete~Gabby S.
I think there are two outsiders. The Radley's are one of the outsiders. I think they are outsiders because the almost never leave. I also think the Ewells are outsiders. This is because they are really poor and they live by the junkyard. I also think they are outsiders because the are not that much better off than the blacks unlike almost every other white family.
ReplyDeleteJason G.
One of the outsiders in the story is the Ewell's. They are outsiders by society. They do are very dirty and poor. THey also do not have alot of education. Most people look down on them because they do not respect anyone. That is why the Ewell's are outsiders
ReplyDeleteSara K
There are many misfits in the book. For instance, Dolphus Raymond is a complete outsider, but by choice. He is not racist at all and has a black wife and “mixed” children. He wants people to think that he is a drunk, to explain why he lives the way he does. He isn’t a drunk, and he really likes his way of life. Another group of insiders are the Ewells. The live far away, literally on the outside, near the dump and the black community. They are very poor, and don’t fit in anywhere. I think that the kids aren’t misfits by choice, but the fact that they’re so poor and their father makes them work all day and doesn’t let them go to school. Being an outsider isn’t a bad thing in Dolphus’s case because he’s happy, but it is sort of a bad thing for the Ewell kids.
Mr. Dolphus Raymond was an outsider because he was a white man living with his black wife. His children were mixed, which made them unwanted by everyone. For Dolphus Raymond, being an outsider was his choice. He chose to be with the black people instead of living a more common lifestyle. Being and outsider could be both a good and bad thing. It was good because he did not have to be involved with the town’s drama, but it was bad because people looked down on him.
The Outsiders in the book are The Cunninghams the Ewells. Both of these family’s are poor and not really paid much attention to. This is society’s choice to make them outsiders because they are poor. In my opinion, it is a good thing to be an outsider because there are no rumors about you and you can stay out of the neighborhood gossip.
There are a few outsiders in this book. Mr. Raymond and The Ewells are outsiders for a few reasons. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he married a black woman and has two mailto kids together. Also he lives right on the edge of the black community. He drinks fake alcohol so people think it was a drunken marriage. The Ewells are outsiders because they are poor, low class people who live in the black community. They also have no education and aren’t clean. Mayella the oldest Ewell daughter charged Tom Robinson against a fake rape and one because she was white and Tom was black. Now a lot of the blacks and some of the whites don’t like the Ewells.
An outsider in the book is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider by choice and society. He is an outsider because he chose to live with the black people. He married a black woman and has children. He is an outsider by society because people automatically put black people to the bottom. In his case, being an outsider is not a bad thing. He is much happier living the way he does rather than treating black people badly and looking down on them.
I think that Boo Radley is an outsider. He is an outsider because he never comes out of his house. Another reason is because he is not part of society. Nothing Boo Radley does affects anything or anyone. I think Boo Radley is an outsider by choice. Since there are so many stories/rumors he probably thinks that people won't accept him. So by staying an outsider he can live in peace without anyone bothering him. Another outsiders are the Ewell's. The Ewell's don't go to school or work. So they are kind of outside of the society. To be an outsider is a bad thing because then people start talking about you and making rumors. They also think of you as rude becuase they don't come out and socialize.So being an outsider in my opinion is not that good.
ReplyDeleteJessica D
I think Dolphus Raymond and the Ewell's are outsiders in the story. I think the Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because his wife is black. This keeps him an outsider by society because most people in town don't like black people. The Ewell's are outsiders by choice. They do not go to school which limits their social life. As you can see Dolphus Raymond and the Ewell's are outsiders in the story.
I think that Boo and Scout are the outsiders in the story. Scout is the outsider in the story because she is a girl, and acts like boy. Boo is an outsider because most everybody hates him, and thinks hes mean, although he is very nice.
ReplyDelete-Patch F.
The outsiders in this book would have to be Mr. Dolphus Raymond and the Ewells. The Ewells don’t fit in because of their financial woes. They barely have enough to live, and with what money they do have, Bob Ewell buys alcohol. Mr. Raymond doesn’t fit in because he’s a white man married to a black woman. He also pretends to be an alcoholic so that he can do whatever he wants.
The outsider in this book is Boo Radley.In town everyone speaks poorly of him when in perspective he does nothing, he doesnt even come out of his house.This is why he is an outsider.
ReplyDeleteShayne F
Outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird are people like Boo Radley and Dolfus Raymond. Boo Radley is an outsider because he has stayed in his house for years without coming out. I think that Boo is an outsider by choice. I believe that he wants to stay in his house because the people in Maycomb are so mean. Things in Maycomb have gotten so bad with racism and money that Boo wants to stay inside where things are simple and carefree. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he is a white man married to a black woman. I think that Raymond is an outsider by choice and by society. He is an outsider by choice and society because he knew when he married his wife that society wouldn’t accept him. Because he is not accepted he pretends that he has a drinking problem as a reason for why he is married to a black woman. I think he choices to be an outsider, but pretends to have a drinking problem so society won’t be upset with him.
You make a good point Chicle406, Boo Radley made a choice to be an outsider.
ReplyDeleteGhost King 210
The outsiders in the book are Dolphus Raymond’s kids. They are not accepted anywhere because they are half black and half white. It wasn’t by choice. They are not acknowledged because the black people don’t want a half white in their society and the white people don’t want a half white in their society, so they fall in the middle of the two. Being an outsider is a bad thing because they don’t fit, the people are mean to them, and they are very racist against them.
Boo Radley, Dolphus Raymond, and Tom Robinson are outsiders. Boo Radley is an outsider because he does not come outside and some people are frightened by that or think that it is strange. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he married a black woman. Most people do not think that it is right to marry a black person. Tom Robinson is an outsider because he is black. No one will pay attention to him or even listen to him because of his race. These people don`t necessarily chose to be outsiders, but the actions that they took made them different from everyone else. Being an outsider is not a bad thing. Sometimes people re otusiders because they are standing up for what thev believe in.
ReplyDelete^^ Stephanie E.
ReplyDeleteI believe the outsiders in this book are Mr. Raymond and Mr. Ewell. Mr. Raymond is an outsider by choice. He enjoys the company of blacks over whites. Also, he married a black woman. He pretends that he is an alcohalic because that gives him a reason to be with the blacks and not have to deal with the whites. Mr. Ewell is also an outsider. I think that he is not an outsider by choice. He actually is an alcohalic and according to the Tom Robinson case abuses and sexually abuses Mayella. He does not talk to anyone because he is always busy drinking. Those are the outsiders in To Kill A Mockingbird. RJ M
ReplyDeleteDolphus Raymond is an outsider because he lives with the blacks and has a black wife, but is white. He prefers there company too. Atticus is also an outsider because he's one of the only people in Maycomb who are not racist too. More outsiders are the ewel family. They are outsiders because though they are white, they are very dumpy people who don't act like the other whites. They live in a bad area near the dump. They kind of choose to live there because mr. ewel wastes all the families money on drinks because he's a drunk.
ReplyDeletetara g.
I think the outsiders in this book are Boo Radley and the Ewells. I think that Boo Radley is an outsider because the image everyone has created for him through rumors is that he is smelly, gross, vial, and vicious. This may not be true, but it is what evryone believes so he would be considered an outsider for that. I also think that the Ewell family are outsiders. This is because they live in a gross dirty dump, their house is falling apart, they don't have clean water, the kids have no manners, they don't bathe, Mayella likes a black man, and their father is a drunk. That is not a very welcoming image to other people. That is why the Ewells would be considered outsiders in the book.
ReplyDeleteJustin A.
I think that the Euweles are outsiders, and its their dads choice. He chooses to spend all his money on alcohol and not to buy a decent house. The town tries to help as much as possible but nobody likes them.
ReplyDeleteRich A.
I believe that Boo Radley is an outsider. He is a foot-washing baptist, and so never goes outside or does anything for enjoyment. Since he does not partake in the practices of the normal Southern folk, he is excluded by society. He is such an outsider that legends are made up about him to keep children in line, without any regard to his own feelings.
ReplyDeleteAnother outsider in this story is shown to us as everybody goes to the trial of Tom Robinson. Unlike Boo Radley, however, she is an outsider by choice. Miss Maudie Atkinson chooses to stay home while nearly everybody else goes to watch the trial. She believes that it is sickening to watch anybody on trial for their life. In this way, she separates herself from her fellow townsfolk. This is a case of being a good outsider. Although Miss Maudie does not do what is popular, she does what is right, no matter what other people think of her.
-Aaron O'Neill
There are many outsiders in the book to kill a mockingbird. One group of outsiders is the Ewells. They are outsiders because they live close to the black community; they have no lives, and no friends. An example of this is that when Mayella Ewell was getting questioned and Atticus asked her if she had any friends and she answered like what friends I don’t have any friends. Another example of outsiders is the Radley’s. They are outsiders because they don’t socialize with any other people they stay in there house all day. An example of this is that Boo Radley is kept from the outside world from what he did years before. These are examples of outsiders in the book To Kill a Mockingbird.
There were a lot of outsiders in the book such as Boo Radley and Dolphus Raymond. Although many people think that the Ewells are outsiders, I think that they aren't exactly, since there were many people then who couldnt afford anything during this time of depression. The only differece is that Bob drinks and they live in a dump. Furthermore, people tend to assume many things about Boo and Dolphus Raymond even though they are untrue, which really shows that being an outsider was never a good thing to the people in town. These people never really fit anywhere.
ReplyDeleteBoo Radley is an outsider in To Kill A Mockingbird. People in town have started many rumors about him and why they never see him. He's been in his house for years and no one knows the actually reason. They only know this information from the town gossip. He isn't like most people in the town, he stays inside and never comes out. Naturally, people are going to gossip about him which just makes him more of an ousider. They may never know what caused him to stay inside which makes him different from other people who like to be social and go outside.
ReplyDelete-Lindsay M.
^Lisa C.
ReplyDeleteI think that there are a few outsiders and misfits in this book. I think one of the biggest outsiders is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider because he is a white man who lives in a Black community. He is also married to a Black woman. I think he is an outsider by choice because he knows that it is not ok for him to be married to a Black woman, but when he is, so if he lives far away from the white people then they can’t say anything. I do not think this is a bad thing because he wants to be married to her so if that’s what he wants then he will do whatever he needs to, to be with this woman.
The outsiders in this book are the black people. Even though the white people think its fair because they do everything the white people do it’s not. They are always separated from the white people. For example, in the court they have to go to the balcony because that’s what they were ordered to do. The only reason they are outsiders are because they are black, and that’s how society placed them as. Being an outsider can be a bad thing because others view you in a different way, and it’s not a nice way. Those are the reasons why the black people are the outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Outsiders don't exsist. Even though people draw the line about who is an outsider and isn't there is tecnacly no one who is an outsider and no one who is. Everyone is special in their own way. Even with this knowledge all the Blacks are knoledged as being lower than the Whites by the Whites without a seconded thought. The Whites are treading them like they don't belong anywhere and they don't deserve the same privliges.
ReplyDeleteJared L.
i think that some of the outsiders of this book are mr raymond and the ewells. i think mr raymond is an outsider because he has chosen to live in the black community and have mixed chillun with his black wife. Because of this he is not accepted by the white community, so he is an outsider. the ewelles are outsiders because they are poor not just in money but in social values. the ewells have never done an honest days work so the people of maycomb exclude them for being terrible people all togather.
I think that Dolphus Raymond is an outsider. One reason why I believe this is because he is married to a black woman. This makes him an outsider because of his marriage to a black woman he is kind of treated like an outcast. Also he is an outsider because he is pretending to be always drunk. This makes him more of an outcast because no one wants anything to do with him.
ReplyDeleteJimmy S.
In To kill a Mockingbird Dolphus Raymond is an outsider. He is an outsider because he lives in the black community. He is an outsider by choice because he is rich and white but marred a colored woman. In that time period people didn’t like colored people. When a white man was married to a black woman people didn’t like that person. So Dolphus Raymond carried a sack full of coke and said it was alcohol. People thought of him as drunk because of the drink. That is why Dolphus Raymond is an outsider.
Boo Radley is an outsider in this book because he doesn’t even communicate with the people, or anyone, in Maycomb. He just stays in his house all day, all night, all year. Another reason of why boo is an outsider because people don’t like him and they think poorly of him. Another outsider in this story would be the Ewells because they don’t have any friends; they are poor and not educated. Another example if an outsider is Dolphus Raymond because he is a white man living in an African community, and no one really likes him so he pretends to be an alcoholic. Those are some examples, in the novel, of outsiders.
A couple of outsiders from the book To Kill a mockingbird by Harper Lee is Bob Ewell and the Cunninghams Bob Ewell is a outsider because he lives by the black community and hes rude and no one likes him. the cunninghams are outsiders because they are poor and cant aford nice shoes. xXimpresiveXx602
ReplyDeleteThe outsiders in the book are Atticus, Mr. Raymond and Aunt Alexandra. Atticus is an outsider because he isn’t racist like the rest of the town. Also, Mr. Raymond because he lives with the blacks and married a black women and he doesn’t want people to know so his excuse is that he is a drunk. Lastly there is Aunt Alexandra. She is an outsider because she tries to change Scout and Jem and tries to make them how she thinks Finch’s should act but they don’t want to be that way. Atticus and Mr. Raymond choose to be this way. On the other hand Aunt Alexandra just wants to change Scout and Jem so they fit in to how she wants them to be. In Mr. Raymond’s and Atticus’ case being an outsider isn’t a bad thing because it’s their choice, but Aunt Alexandra’s is. This is because she just wants her way.
Boo Radley, Mrs. Caroline Fisher, and Aunt Alexandra are example of outsiders in the book. Boo is the one who is quite and leaves everyone alone. Mrs. Caroline comes to school from the middle of no ware. She does not know a lot about the kids. She offers Walter Cunningham some money not knowing that he can’t repay her. That’s shows that she is an outsider. Lastly, Aunt Alexandra is an outsider because she walks into Atticus’s house and wants Jem and Scout to become grownups. This is why she is an outsider.
There are many outsiders in the book. The outsiders in the book are Atticus, Mr. Raymond, Jem and Scout. Atticus is an outsider because his whole town is racist and mean to black people but he is not. He is kind to everyone. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he is a while man married to a black woman. Also, he has mixed black and white kids. Jem and Scout are also outsiders because they are believe in what there dad believes. Jem and scout live in Atticus’s house and have been brought up by him their whole life so they follow him. I think they all choose to be an outsider and it is not a bad thing. Atticus does not believe in racism and that is his choice he could go along with everyone else if he wanted to. Mr. Raymond chooses to be an outsider too because he wants to be with a black women. It was his choice not anyone else’s. I do not think being an outsider is a bad thing because they are choosing what to do in his life.
There are manu outsiders in "To Kill a Mokingbird." One outsider is Mayella Ewell and the rest of her family. This is because they they don't talk to others and they usually stay home. The Ewells are not social AT ALL. Another outsider in this book is Atticus. This is because Atticus is different than the other parents in Maycomb. Atticus teaches Scout and Jem to respect everyone whether they have black or white skin. Also he doesn't get caught up in the neighborhood gossip like other adults in the town. -Jordi H.
ReplyDeleteOne outsider in this book is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. Mr. Raymond is an outsider through his own choice. In this case being an outsider is not a bad thing. He chose to live with the Negroes, and he chose to marry a black woman, and have mixed children. However in the case of Mayella Ewell being an outsider, it is not a very good thing. She was born into her family, she never asked to be where she was. She tries to make a better reputation for herself, but becasue of society she is literally shunned by everyone in town. She did not choose to be a Ewell, or did she choosed to be abused by her father and have no friends. Yet this is still what happens to her. In this case, being an outsider is not a good thing, because unlike Dolphus Raymond, she doesn't actually choose to live the way she does.
ReplyDeleteNicole S.
One person in the book To Kill a Mockingbird that is an outsider is Atticus Finch. He is an outsider because he is the only guy in the community that is not racist. For example, he doesn’t make fun of blacks or take advantage of them. Instead of that he helps them out, such as Tom Robinson. He helps him out by helping in the case verse the Ewells.
I would have to say that Boo Radley is an outsider because he doesn't talk to or associate with anyone outside of his house. Also, people say that he eats cats and squirrels, so it is society's fault. I think that it is bad to be an outsider because it can mean you are lonely.
ReplyDelete-Nick T.
In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, The outsiders in the book were the Ewells; boo Radley, and Delphic Ramon. These people are outsiders because they are not socially acceptable. They do not fit in. for the Ewells it is not a choice because they have been socially unacceptable for generations. Boo Radley is not socially acceptable because he can not go outside. Delphic Ramon chooses to be an outsider because he wants top live with the blacks. It is not always bad to be an outsider.
There are a couple of outsiders in the book To Kill a Mocking Bird. One of the outsiders is Boo Radley. He is an outsider because on Sundays, he doesn’t open his door like everyone else, nor does he interact with anyone directly. He only interacts indirectly. It isn’t by choice or by society, but by a punishment by his dad. Boo Radley had gotten in the wrong gang and got in trouble and instead of going to school and getting a good career, like his friends; he got stuck in his house forever. Another outsider is Scouts teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher. She is an outsider because she had come from another town and did not know how Maycomb worked. For instance, she tried to give Walter Cunningham a nickel for lunch and he refused because the Cunninghams don’t take anything that they cannot repay. The last outsider I going to talk about is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider by choice because he had married a black lady and in the 1930’s, there was a lot of racism in the South. Another reason he is an outsider is because he has black and white children and back then, neither the white nor the black community wanted to take a mix child. The blacks didn’t want a partial white child and the whites didn’t want to take a partially black child.
There are many outsiders in this book. Almost half of the characters are outsiders. Scout and Jem are outsiders. Since Scout is a level ahead everyone in reading. However Ms. Coralline Fisher got mad at her for being able to read. She is also an outsider. In conclusion many people are outsiders.
ReplyDelete~ ****theguy605
In the text there are some outsiders. Boo Radley has to be the biggest outsider. This is because that he doesn't open his door on Sundays when everyone else does. Scouts teacher Mrs. Caroline Fisher is also another outsider in the story. This is because she came from another town and doesn't know how Maycomb works. She tried to give Walter Cunningham a nickel for lunch and he didn't take it. Everyone knows that Walter will not take something he can not pay back.Dolphus Raymond is an outside by choice. This is because in the 1930's he married a black woman when there was alot of racism in the south.
In the book, the black community was the outsider. They were the outsiders because in this time period, black people were segregated from whites because, especially in the south, white people were racist towards black people. This is a choice of society because it was just the way things were done then. However, Dolphus Raymond was an outsider by choice because he said in chapter 20 that he just liked being with the black people.
There are 2 outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One of them is Atticus. I say this because he is one of the very few people in the town who is not racist. One example of this is when he is helping Tom Robinson in the trial. He also treats people with respect no matter what. Another family who is an outcast is the Ewells. This is because no one respects them. No one respects them because they don’t respect anyone. This family and character are outcasts.
The outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird are Mr. Raymond, the Ewells, the Cunninghams, and the Radleys. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because many people feel he a crazy drunk man who lives with the black community. People also think he had an affair with a colored woman when he was engaged. The Ewells were outsiders because they only went to school for one day, they were very poor, and they lived in the dump. The Cunninghams were outsiders because they were poor, and were able to trade in crops. Finally, the Radleys were outsiders because of Boo’s history. People were mostly outsiders if they were poor, had a bad family reputation, or if they lived with the black community. It was not necessarily bad to be an outsider, but most people did not want to hand around you.
In this book there are different groups of outsiders. One group that was very outside of society is the Ewell’s. They were at the bottom because they basically lived in the dump. Also they were very, very pour and barely had food or the necessities to live. Also they were very rude and mean people. Another group that was considered an outsider was the Cunningham’s. They were very pour, but not as pour as the Ewell’s. Also Instead of living in the dump they lived on a farm and that’s how they survived off the crops and that’s also how they paid off dept. Instead of being rude, they were very nice people. Another group that were outsiders were the blacks. They were outsiders because the color of there skin was black. One last group of outsiders was the Radleys. They were outsiders because they were very strict, in fact they called themselves “foot washing Baptists”. Also they didn’t really socialize with other people.
I think Scout is an outsider. She likes to wear overalls instead of dresses. And she would rather climb a tree then play with dolls. She is not like the other little girls. Scout chose to be an outsider. But that is not a bad thing because she is just being herself.
ReplyDeleteMelissa V.
In this book there are many outsiders. They are the Ewell’s, Africans and the farmers like the Cunninghams. These people are there because they were born into it. Being an outsider is not always a bad thing because they can fit into another group with people like them.
There are many outsiders in the story “To Kill a Mockingbird”. Mayella Ewells is an outsider because she is very lonely and she has no one to talk to. In the courtroom when Atticus was questioning Mayella he asked her about her friends and she seemed very confused and angry because she thought Atticus was trying to make fun of her. In her situation being an outsider was a bad thing because she was always lonely and she had to go to Tom Robinson a married black man to kiss him because she had no one else to be with. Dolphus Raymond is also an outsider because he is a white man who only hangs out with black people. The whole town thinks he is a drunk even though he only drinks coca cola. He has many children who are half black, half white. Being an outsider in his situation is not very bad because he seems to be happy with his life and he is not lonely.
The outsiders in the book are the black people. They are outsiders because they are black and discriminated. They do not choose to be outsiders people just think less of them because they are black. I do not think it is fear because some of them, are nicer then the white people. For example, tom Robinson is a better person then Mayella, but people look more down on him then on Mayella and the rest of the Ewells. I think in this case being an outsider is a bad thing because there are a lot of disadvantages. In conclusion, in To Kill a Mockingbird the outsiders are the black people.
The outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird are Tom Robinson, Dolphus Raymond, and Arthur (Boo) Radley. All three men are outsiders because people in the town don’t understand them, and don’t really want to. Tom Robinson is an outsider based on the sole reason that he is black. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he associates himself more with the black people than the white people. The townspeople think the only reason he does this is because he’s always too drunk to change his ways. But really, he finds them more interesting, and pretends to be drunk all the time so that he won’t have to explain himself. So, people just leave him alone, and let him live his life. Boo Radley is considered to be an outsider because he and his family didn’t open the door on Sundays like everyone else. They pretty much kept to themselves. But, when Mr. Radley died, and Nathan Radley took on the responsibility of keeping Boo locked inside the house, no one understood what was going on in their house. Scout, Jem, and Dill all were trying to understand Boo, but other than them, no one else cared. So, in conclusion, the outsiders in the book are people that are not well understood.
ReplyDeletePeace. Love. Happiness. 817
There are a few outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One outsider is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider because he lives with the blacks and pretends that he is a drunk. He is different than everybody else. The Ewells are also outsiders. They live out of the community in the dump and have special privileges so they can survive. They aren’t really like everybody else. They are also treated differently and everybody thinks that they are bad. One last outsider is Boo Radley. He is an outsider because he is always locked away in his house and no one has ever seen him. People also think that he is scary and look in people’s windows. These are some people who I think are outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he lives on the border of the black community. He is considered an outsider because he is married to a black woman. Mr. Raymond chose to be an outsider because he chose to marry a black woman. He is also an outsider because people think he is a drunk. He drinks coke out of a paper bag so it looks like whiskey. He chose to be this way to cover up for marrying a black woman. The Ewells are also considered outsiders because they are thought of as animals and live at the town dump. They don’t follow the rules. They don’t really choose to be a misfit that is the way the family has always been. On another way they do choose to be misfits because they could have tried to change their lifestyle if they wanted to. The black community is thought of as outsiders by the whites. The blacks do not associate with the whites unless the blacks are working for them. They do not choose to be misfits, it is chosen for them by society.
ReplyDelete~~Flip Flops802
The outsiders in this book are the Ewells and Dolphus Raymond. The Ewells are outsiders because they live in a garbage dump. They are poor and don’t have an education. Dolphus Raymond is an outsider because he was from a wealthy family, but he married a black woman and now lives with all of the blacks. He is drunk all the time and has mixed children. Atticus is also an outsider because he isn’t racist. He chose to defend Tom Robinson. Everyone thought that was a bad decision and it was horrible that he supported and believed a black man. Sometimes being an outsider is a bad thing and sometimes it’s a good thing. In conclusion, Atticus, the Ewells, and Dolphus Raymond are the outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird.
Mr. Raymond and the Ewells are the outsiders in my opinion. Mr. Raymond is because he likes blacks better and hangs out with them more. People think hes a drunk so that they will not make fun of him for hanging out with them. He does it by putting a Coca-Cola bottle in a paper bag looking like it is beer. The Ewells are not social and the children do not have friends. For an example Mayella did not know what friends were. She thought Atticus was making fun of her.
ReplyDeleteAndrea N
There are many outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird. First and the most obvious one is Boo Radley and his family. Boo Radley is one of those people that everyone talks about, makes up rumors about, and fears. He is also a misfit in this book because he never comes outside or comes to any of the town gatherings, like the trial. The only time he made any kind of appearance was when Miss Maudie’s house was on fire and he allegedly covered Scout’s shoulders with a blanket. Another misfit in this story is the Ewells. The Ewells don’t fit in because they are rude, poor, and live at the dump. Mr. Ewell showed how rude and uneducated he was at the trial, when Atticus was asking him questions and he just gets up because he thought he was done. Mayella Ewell showed how ignorant she was also at the trial when she started talking and it was kind of hard to understand her. Also, she thought that Atticus was making fun of her when he was calling her “Miss Mayella”. This shows how disrespected she is because no one has ever treated her well.
To me, the outsiders in the book are Mr. Dolphus Raymond and the Ewells. Raymond is seen as an outsider because he is a white man living with blacks. He also married a black woman and had mixed children. During this time period, this is seen as totally unacceptable in society. Blacks are seen as lower class, and a white person who mingles with them is even worse. He also makes himself out as a drunk, like when he was pretending to drink whiskey out of a coke can, when really it was coke. Raymond does this by choice, because otherwise people wouldn’t understand his lifestyle. The Ewells are outsiders because they do not work for a living. They are not seen as hard working people, just as people who collect welfare checks. This makes them shunned by society. However, being an outsider is not necessarily a bad thing. When you’re seen as someone who is an outside, people expect you to act like an outsider. There isn’t as much pressure to do what the “right” thing is in society’s eyes. They can get off more easily doing something unacceptable in their society.
There are outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One outsider is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. He’s an outsider because he is married to a black woman and lives on the border of the black community. He is an outsider by choice. He lets people think he drinks alcohol out of his bag all the time and is always drunk so they think that he can’t help himself. They don’t know that lives that way because he wants to. Another outsider in this book are the Ewells. The people in Maycomb think of them as animals. They live by the dump and don’t follow any of the rules. Their children only go to school on the first day. They don’t really choose to be misfits, that is just the way their family is. Also, the people who live in the black community are considered outsiders by the white people who live in Maycomb.
ReplyDeleteThe outsides in this book are the mixed colors, Dolfus Raymond,the colored people, and Boo Radley. The moxed are outsiders because the colored people do not want anything to do with them because they are white and the whites dont want anything to do with them because they are black. Dolfus Raymond is an outsider because he would rather hang out witht the blacks rather with the whites. That makes thw whites hate him because he perfers the colored over them. The blacks are outsiders because the whites degreade them in society. In addtion Boo Radley is an outsider because his brother took away his only way of communication, the tree. Boo never really could talk to people because he is a foot wasing baptis and belives that pleasure is sin. So, when his bother took away his tree he could not even talk to scout and Jem. Being an outsider is not really bad. Even though not everyone will like you, you still will live life knowing that you were not a hipercrite.
ReplyDelete-Dana Grindall
The outsiders in this book are the Ewells and Dolphus Raymond. The Ewells are outsiders because they are very disrespectful, they don’t work and they are dirty. Dolphus Raymond is an Outsider because he is a white man living with the black community. The reason for this is because he married a black woman. It is okay to be an outsider because not everyone is the same and you should be who you want to be.
Some of the outsiders in this book are the Ewells. they are outsiders because they are so disrespectful that no one ever wants to be near or have anything to do with them. I think that being an outsider in this story s a bad thing because not many people have money and when your an outsider no one willwant to lend you some because they know that you wont be able to pay them back. That is who i think are outsiders in this book
ReplyDeleteI think Mayella Ewell is one of the outsiders in this book. She has absolutly no friends and thinks she is being teased when Aticus asks her if she has friends. People stereotype against Mayella because of her father. Mayella is a nice girl who tries to be clean. But Mr. Ewell spends all their money on alcohol. So, people think she is just a dirty Ewell when in fact, she's much, much cleaner than anyone in her family.
ReplyDelete-Vlasty Z
I think that the Ewells are outsiders. They are outsiders because they live far away from everyone because their father is a drunk and never works, so he has no money to have a real house. Because he chooses to drink and spend his welfare money on alchohol, I think it is by choice that him and his family are outsiders.
ReplyDeleteJackie G
Mr. Raymond, Atticus, Scout, and the black community are all outsiders in the book. Mr. Raymond is an outsider because he married a black lady and has mixed children. Also, he lives in the black community even thought he’s white. He is an outsider by choice. Atticus is an outsider because he is one of the very few people back then who were not racist. He is an outsider by choice, too. Scout is an outsider because she doesn’t act like a typical girl and doesn’t follow the same rules as everyone else. She also is an outsider by choice. The black community are outsiders because most people in the town are racist and treat black people differently and give them different rules. They are outsiders by society. I don’t think that being an outsider is bad. It just shows that some people are different and have different beliefs then everyone else.
There are a few outsiders in To Kill A Mockingbird. These outsiders include Boo Radley, Mr. Dalphous Raymound,the Ewells, and the whole black community. Boo Radley is an outsider by his brothers choice. This is because Arthur Radley did not want Boo to leave the house after he was essentially arested. Mr. Dalphous Raymound is an outsider by choice. This is because he chooses to live with the blacks and hides that he really wants to live with them and not that whiskey has made him crazy. Also the black community are considered outsiders by choice. This is because the whites want nothing to do with the blacks and keep them as far away from them as possible. Finally the Ewells are outsiders by choice and society. This is because society wants nothign to do with them and Mr. Ewell chooses to drink and stay away from the community.
ReplyDeleteThere are a few outsiders in this book. The Ewells, the Radleys, and Mr. Dolphus Raymond are outsiders. The Ewells are outsiders because they live in a dirty, dump. Also, the children have no manners. People sterotype the Radleys to make them out as weird people. They just choose to live differently. Many people also do not like Dolphus Raymond beause he is a "drunk" and he chooses to live within the black community.
ReplyDelete- Allie K.
There are many outsiders in To Kill a Mockingbird. One outsider is Atticus. He is an outsider because he is one of the few people that publically support blacks. He is mostly an outsider by choice, but this due to others views and not directly intentional. Another example is Dolphus Raymond. He is an outsider because he acts drunk and has a mixed family. He is an outsider entirely by choice. The blacks on the other hand, are outsiders purely by the color of their skin and have not choice. As for my views on being an outsider, I believe if you want to be one there’s nothing wrong with it. However shunning someone based on race or other uncontrollable aspects is a horrible thing to do.
Wow! You guys have some incredible insights and have even given me some new ideas to think about, and I've read this book more than a few times!
ReplyDeleteI think it is a great point to make that those who are misfits or outcasts are usually misunderstood by others. Characters like Mayella Ewell, Miss Caroline Fisher and Dolphus Raymond and his children, to name a few, are clearly misunderstood. Furthermore, no one even takes the time to think about them at all. This reminds me that Atticus does have his famous line that, "You never really understand a person until you climb into his or her skin. and walk around in it, to see things from his or her point of view." Very few characters, except for maybe Atticus and possibly a few others (Maudie), take the time to see things from a different perspective.
I think Harper Lee might have been trying to show us this because seeing things from another's perspective is such an important quality in all of our lives, whether we live in the 1930s or in our world today. One of the reasons I like to read books set in a different time period is because they help me to look back and learn from history and from mistakes that we all make because we are human. Our world has come a long way in some ways, and in other ways we have so much farther to go.
Thanks for giving me some new things to think about! I've enjoyed all of your posts.
: )
Mrs. Marciano
Outsiders in this book are Atticus, Boo Radley, and the Ewell family. Each of these characters are outsiders for different reasons in the story. Atticus in an outsider because he seems to be the only character in the story who works hard in office, and not on a farm. While there are probably many others in Maycomb who work in office, Atticus Finch is the only one who we read about in the book. Next, Boo is an outsider for the obvious reason that all he does is stay inside his house all day. At the end of chapter 23, Jem brings up an interesting idea that Boo stays inside his house because he wants to, not because he has to. Last, the Ewells are considered outsiders because they are the only white citizens of Maycomb who are unanimously disliked by all the others people in town.
There are many outsiders in Maycomb. One of these outsiders is Atticus. He is an outsider because he doesn’t follow the same racist beliefs as most of the town does. He defends Tom Robinson and is often ridiculed for it. He does all of this by choice. Some people respect and admire him for his actions, but some people disapprove of what he’s doing. Another group of outsiders in Maycomb is the Ewells. They do not have much food and are often shut away from most of society, doing things like not attending school often. They are outsiders through society, because they do not have as much money as the rest of the people of Maycomb. They have to live near a dump and cannot afford much. Third, one outsider in Mayvomb is Mr. Raymond. He is an outsider by both society and choice. This is because he chose to marry a black woman, and he had many children that are mixed color. He is treated differently by everyone, and he pretends to be drunk so he can be socially excused from his actions. His children are also treated differently, but not by choice, because they do not fit in with the black or the white children. These outsiders are treated differently by the people of Maycomb.
"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view.” This is what Atticus told Scout, and indicates that in a way almost everyone has been an outsider at one time or another. So many people are misjudged, due to the inability of people to walk in another mans shoes. One main outsider that was established early on in the story was Boo Radley. I believe that he is an outsider by choice, because he chooses to remain locked up inside, isolated from society. Another outsider by choice is Mr. Dolphus Raymond. He is an older white man who married a black woman, but doesn’t care what people have to think about it. This can be proved when he tells Scout that he’s not actually alcoholic. He says this as an excuse, so that people will try to understand why he lives the way he does. There are also people who are outsiders, but not by choice. For example, Dolphus’s Raymond children are outsiders because in Scouts words, “They don’t belong anywhere. “ Scout is implying that the children are not wanted by the white people because they are half black and the Negroes don’t accept them because they’re half white. They are extreme misfits, and are forced to be split between two races.
There are examples of outsiders in the book, To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus and Miss Maudie are outsiders in society because they are from well-to-do families and are still not racist towards the black people. He represents Tom Robinson in court and is truly hurt by Tom’s death and wants to, genuinely, help Tom’s family. When Aunt Alexandra complains to Miss Maudie about the bodily stress the town puts on Atticus, Miss Maudie responds, “We trust him to do right. It’s that simple.” Both, Miss Maudie and Atticus are good people and choose to do what is right, even if it means becoming outsiders. Mr. Dolphus Raymond is a big outsider in Maycomb. He is a white man in a black community. This is looked down upon by the people in town because he is married to a black woman and has children with her. To justify his actions he pretends to be a drunk, so being an outsider is his choice.
ReplyDeleteMickey Mouse 813
There are many outsiders in this novel. One person is Atticus, he’s an outsider because he isn’t one of the racist ones in the town. He is very formal too. He isn’t like everyone else, he likes to read, dress up, and do things that other people in the town don’t do. Another outsider is Mr. Raymond; all he hangs out with is the blacks. People judge him of what he does; they think he is an alcoholic when all he has in his glass he brings everywhere is coke. They also judge him of who he married because he married a black. One last person is Scout. She is very tomboyish. She likes doing guy things. For example, when Jem would go and play pranks on Boo Radley she would go, as to other girls they wouldn’t.
The outsiders in this book are Dill Harris, Mrs.Dubose, Ms. Caroline, Little Chuck Little, Burris/Bob/Mayella Ewell, Walter Cunningham Jr. (or the Ewells and the Cunninghams in general), Ms. Stephanie, Ms. Rachel, Mr. Dolphus Raymond, Tom Robinson, Lula, Boo Radley, they are outsiders because each of them help build the elements of this story by their actions, life, and representing the theme, for example, the death of Tom Robinson was not right, they killed a mockingbird, an innocent man that was falsely accused and teamed up on because of his skin color.
ReplyDeleteby the way the theme of this book is that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird.